Okay, so I didn't write a story this year. The inspiration for doing this year's challenge came from another blog post. Sara Snider's Halloween blog hop had me going, "Gee, this would be fun to do."
So I brushed off my research hat and had a blast researching Pagan, Wiccan, and other random odds and ends. (Darn you X and U!)
Without further ado, my A to Z Challenge for 2015 list.
The Reveal!
A -- Blade, Breath, and Card
B -- Broom, Fertility, and Persecution
C -- Cup, Potion, and Waning Moon
D -- Sun, Sight, and Demonized
E -- Ceremony, Power, and Food
F -- Wolf, Goddess, and Flames
G -- Energy, Book, and Deities
H -- Cord, Hunt, and Crossroads
I -- Cleaning, Candlemas, and Calling
J -- New Year, Marriage, and Money
K -- Cause, Effect, and Kiss
L -- Solstice, Axe, and Harvest
M -- Hunter, Crescent, and Full
N -- Hedge, Green, and Kitchen
O -- Bunnies, Acorns, and Eggs
P -- Dolls, Hand, and Five Points
Q -- Cardinal, Questions, and Casting
R -- Tools, Ethics, and Vikings
S -- Festival, Mark, and Wheel
T -- Thunder, Wolf, and Three
U -- Spirits, Otherworlds, and Candles
V -- Seances, Mediums, and Societies
W -- Aqua, Spokes, and Norse
X -- Flowers, Peaches, and Immortality
Y -- Log, Grave, and a Day
Z -- Plants, Animals, and Stars. Oh My!